Equity, diversity and inclusion


Fat Macy’s is a charity and social business that supports people to move on from temporary accommodation and build a stable life. As a team, we are driven by a vision of society where no one is left behind – a society that recognises that everyone starts in a different place.

Addressing equity, diversity and inclusion isn’t just a tick-box exercise for us, it’s fundamental to our mission and why we exist. It’s vital that we approach it with the same thoughtfulness and commitment that we bring to our programme.

Good jobs mean social mobility. So it’s our responsibility as an employer to support people into roles that move them forward. Both the hospitality and social enterprise sectors suffer from a lack of progression for people who are already disadvantaged – but we can do better. We want anyone in Fat Macy’s – trainees and team alike – to be able to progress through the organisation and be set up to succeed, both today and in the future, wherever they go.

For the past year we have been reflecting on, and changing, how we operate as an organisation and work with trainees.

Looking ahead

We will continue to build on these practices throughout the year, openly sharing our goals, along with our successes and shortcomings.

We know there is no overnight fix to society-wide inequality. It’s a bigger conversation than one organisation. But we hope that by taking action and making commitments in public, we can play our part in encouraging others to do the same.

This is an ongoing journey. There will be more to learn and do.

The journey so far

Since 2022 we have:

  • Established an EDI working group that meets once a month to review and plan how we embed equity, diversity and inclusion across the organisation.

  • Introduced metrics around recruitment and planning how we capture data around trainee backgrounds to better inform the work we do.

  • Surveyed our team about working conditions.

  • Shifted to depersonalised CVs and open recruitment for leadership roles.

  • Shared a transparent pay structure.